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How to write content for your website

How do you create content on your website so that your potential customer will stay on your site long enough to see what you have to offer? Here are some tips on how to write content for your website that will engage:
The visitor comes first.
If you don’t put your visitors first,

then your website won’t be effective. Simply put, it’s not about you! Make it easy for visitors to get the information they came looking for, whether it’s to buy a product, subscribe to a newsletter, or contact you for more details. They won’t take the time to learn the in’s and out’s of how you work, they simply want to know how you’re going to solve their problem. What are you selling and why is it right for them?
Clear navigation.
Statistics time! 84% of people only scan the page – that’s a big majority (over the 16% who read the page in full). Organise your pages into logically-named headings so visitors eyes are drawn to key lines and don’t have to guess where to go. Lots of people don’t have the patience to embark on a scavenger hunt for information. Google likes this approach too, as it scans for headings to see how relevant the content is to your website.
Short paragraphs.
Reams of text can be boring, so it can be a good idea to use bulleted lists, boxed quotes, or testimonials to help break up the text into bitesize chunks. You’ll be surprised how little text you actually need, and my top tip is to just focus on one idea per paragraph. This approach makes it much easier for people who are going to scan your page to summarise the ideas in the page at a glance.
Provide all the relevant information.
When people search the internet, they’re looking for answers. If your site doesn’t provide these, the visitor will move on to the next one in the listings. Don’t be afraid of sharing your prices, as studies show information-rich websites are the most effective in converting visitors into customers.
Make your home page a summary.
Your home page is the most commonly visited page on your website, so it should describe in brief how customers will benefit from your products or services. If users can’t quickly find out what’s in it for them, they’ll click that back button. Lost lead!
Include trust building content.
Provide reasons why your company is qualified to provide its products or services. Give some details about your company’s history and achievements. Maybe include a photo and short ‘bio’ of the founder (if it’s relevant). Gather testimonials or case studies as these third-party endorsements hold weight. Customers like to buy from companies they trust!
Make it as close to perfect as you can get.
Spelling and grammar mistakes, along with poor wording, will make you look like an amateur. Review your work with a fine-tooth comb, get a friend to have a read through too to spot any potential faults. Or better yet, consider hiring a professional copywriter to craft your content.
To be effective, your website must deliver true value. Put your visitors’ needs first as you create its content and watch your conversion rate soar!
Feel free to get in touch if you need any further help.

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